Members is an open source platform for disaster risk reduction and response in Indonesia. Founded and maintained by the Yayasan Peta Bencana [Disaster Map Foundation], the platform leverages crowdsourcing techniques, community-level data, and interactive mapping technologies to provide real-time, actionable information during disaster events.

Powered by CogniCity OSS, collects, verifies, and displays information reported by community members through social media and direct reports, facilitating an inclusive, accessible approach to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. This democratization of data collection and access helps communities and emergency services to respond more effectively and efficiently during disasters and collaborate for preparedness and recovery activities. covers several types of disasters, including floods, forest fires and haze, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and severe weather. It operates across Indonesia and has been recognized both domestically and internationally for its innovative approach to disaster risk management.

In a region that is heavily affected by climate change, represents a powerful tool for fostering resilience and adaptation. By placing the power of data in the hands of communities, it encourages a collective and proactive approach to disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation.

Yayasan Peta Bencana Director and CESA Founder Nashin Mahtani explains on SEA Today News. is an innovative, open-source disaster risk reduction and response platform specifically tailored for the Philippines. It runs on CogniCity OSS and was developed in response to the unique challenges that the Philippines faces in terms of disaster risk and climate change.

The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, due to its geographical location along the Pacific Ring of Fire and within the typhoon belt of the Western Pacific. These factors expose the country to a wide range of natural disasters including typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods. Furthermore, the country’s archipelagic nature with over 7,000 islands presents unique logistical challenges in terms of disaster response and relief operations.

The platform leverages crowdsourcing techniques, community-level data, and interactive mapping technologies to provide real-time, actionable information during disaster events. By harnessing crowdsourced information from social media and direct reports, the platform offers a comprehensive view of disaster impacts as they unfold. The platform also facilitates effective communication among residents, community organizations, and government agencies, fostering a cooperative approach to disaster management. This open sharing of data assists in prioritizing response and relief efforts, helping to allocate resources where they are most needed.

Through its innovative approach, aims to empower communities and bolster resilience in the face of the Philippines’ unique disaster risk landscape. By democratizing access to data and fostering a proactive culture of disaster preparedness, is a crucial tool for adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change in the Philippines. is an open-source disaster risk reduction and response platform that is being introduced in Pakistan. Powered by CogniCity OSS, the development of this platform is a direct response to the country’s unique climate and geographical vulnerabilities, which expose it to various types of natural disasters.

Pakistan’s geographical position, diverse topography, and climate variability make it highly susceptible to a range of natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, droughts, and landslides and avalanches. Climate change is further exacerbating these risks, leading to increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and rendering traditional methods of disaster management insufficient. leverages the power of community-level data, crowdsourcing techniques, and interactive mapping technologies to provide real-time, actionable information during natural disasters. By harnessing crowdsourced information from social media and direct reports, the platform offers a real-time overview of disaster impacts, allowing for rapid response and resource allocation.

The pilot testing in Pakistan is critical for several reasons. First, it will allow the platform to be fine-tuned to the unique social, cultural, and logistical contexts of Pakistan. Second, pilot testing provides valuable insights into how the platform can best serve local communities and government bodies in times of disaster. Third, the pilot phase will provide an opportunity for local community engagement and capacity-building, promoting a culture of disaster preparedness and resilience.

By providing real-time, hyper-local data on disaster impacts, aims to facilitate more effective disaster response and climate adaptation strategies in Pakistan. The ultimate goal is to mitigate the human and economic losses associated with natural disasters and to empower communities to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from disaster events.

Hong Kong FoodWorks

Hong Kong FoodWorks is a pioneering organization dedicated to combating food waste and food insecurity in the city. Its flagship digital initiative, Breadline, is a remarkable platform that connects bakeries with surplus bread to charities that can redistribute it to those in need. Utilizing an early version of the CogniCity.Sync technology, Breadline showcases the power of real-time data to facilitate efficient and effective food distribution. By addressing both environmental and social issues simultaneously, Hong Kong FoodWorks and its Breadline application embody a proactive, solution-oriented approach to urban sustainability and community welfare; their innovative crowd-logistics model is currently being beta tested in Manilla, and will be further developed and deployed at enterprise-level as CogniCity.Sync.

Vietnam Scoping Study

CESA is currently conducting a Scoping Study in Hanoi, Vietnam, with the aim of understanding the city’s unique needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities related to DRR and climate adaptation. The study serves as a preliminary phase towards the potential future deployment of our open-source disaster risk reduction and response platform in Vietnam.

Given Vietnam’s susceptibility to various types of natural disasters, including typhoons, floods, and droughts, the country could greatly benefit from a real-time, data-driven disaster management platform like CogniCity OSS. However, the successful implementation of such a tool requires a deeper understanding of the local context. The Scoping Study focuses on several key areas: first, it seeks to identify the primary natural disaster risks that Hanoi faces, including those exacerbated by climate change; second, it aims to understand the existing DRR infrastructure, both in terms of physical structures and policy frameworks, which includes an assessment of current data collection, disaster response coordination, and public communication strategies.

The study will also evaluate the digital infrastructure, ICT usage, and (social) media distribution in Hanoi to determine the feasibility of implementation and related rollout campaign questions. The Scoping Study will also seek to engage with local stakeholders, including government bodies, NGOs, and community groups; these interactions will provide valuable insights into the needs and capacities of those on the ground and will form the basis for future collaborations.

By conducting this Scoping Study, the CogniCity OSS team aims to lay the groundwork for the possible future deployment of our platform in Vietnam The ultimate goal is to support residents, agencies, and first responders in building resilience and adaptive capacity in the face of increasing natural disaster risks.

India Scoping Study
CESA is presently engaged in a thorough Scoping Study in Assam in northeastern India. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of Assam’s unique vulnerabilities, strengths, and requirements with respect to disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate adaptation. This initial study is a crucial step towards the potential future deployment of our open-source disaster risk reduction and response platform in India.

The state of Assam is particularly vulnerable to a variety of natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and landslides. The state’s need for an efficient, data-driven disaster management platform like CogniCity OSS is critical. However, the successful deployment of this infrastructure depends on a comprehensive understanding of the regional context and cultural specificity.

Key areas of focus for the Scoping Study include identifying the primary natural disaster risks that Assam faces, with special attention paid to those exacerbated by climate change. A landscape study aims to further evaluate the existing DRR infrastructure, considering both physical structures and policy frameworks. This will involve assessing current data collection methodologies, disaster response coordination efforts, and strategies for communicating with the public during disasters. The study will also consider actors such as internet penetration, social media usage, and digital literacy levels among the population. This assessment will provide insights into the feasibility of implementing a digital, crowd-sourced disaster response platform in Assam, and eventually, across India.

The Assam Scoping Study will prioritize engagement with local stakeholders, including government bodies, NGOs, and community groups. These interactions will offer invaluable insights into the needs and capacities of those on the ground, paving the way for potential future collaborations. By conducting this Scoping Study, CESA will establish a solid foundation for the potential future deployment of our CogniCity OSS platform in India.

Panama Scoping Study
In 2023, in collaboration with the UNDP Accelerator Lab in Panama City, CESA completed a three-month prototyping experiment in Panama City, Panama. As one of Central America’s most populated and vibrant urban centers, Panama City faces unique challenges when it comes to disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate adaptation. The city’s dense population, bustling economy, and geographical location make it susceptible to a range of natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and severe flooding.

The study involved extensive research and stakeholder engagement to understand the specific needs and conditions of Panama City. Our team worked closely with local government agencies, community organizations, and citizens to evaluate the potential impact and effectiveness of deploying CogniCity OSS in this region. We explored how this new platform could enhance the city’s ability to respond to and manage natural disasters. By enabling real-time, user-generated reports of disaster events, CogniCity OSS provided residents with critical data to inform disaster response during flooding in November 2023.

Following this successful prototyping study that proved CogniCity OSS can be adapted for use in Latin America, CESA is now engaging with potential funding partners in order to launch a two-year deployment that would allow for increased engagement in the region. Please contact us directly if you are interested in supporting the expansion of this open source approach to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adapation in Panama or more broadly in the region.

Join the Alliance
Are you an organization committed to enhancing your community’s resilience in the face of natural disasters and climate change? Do you believe in the power of data-driven solutions and community engagement to transform disaster response and management? If so, we invite you to consider joining the Climate Emergency Software Alliance.

The Alliance is a global network of organizations utilizing our free and open source software to facilitate effective disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate adaptation in their own regions. By adopting an instance of CogniCity OSS, your organization can leverage the power of crowdsourced data and state-of-the-art mapping technology to improve disaster response efforts.

Adopting an instance of CogniCity OSS means you organization will have access to a platform that collects, verifies, and maps user-generated reports of disaster events in real-time. The platform is designed to integrate seamlessly with social media, enabling users to share their experiences and data quickly and easily. In turn, this data provides invaluable insights that can inform and enhance your disaster response strategy.

The benefits of joining CESA extend beyond the immediate use of the platform. As part of the Alliance, your organization will be part of a global community committed to sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices. You will have the opportunity to learn from others facing similar challenges and to contribute your own unique perspective to our collective understanding of DRR and climate adaptation.

We are actively seeking partnerships with organizations in regions that could benefit from the deployment of CogniCity OSS. If you’re passionate about improving DRR and climate adaptation in your community and are interested in exploring how CogniCity OSS could support your efforts, we would love to hear from you!

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